Sunday, August 4, 2019

Summary of the Book-"The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy!! Life Changing Message!!

Summary of Book The Compound Effect

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The main theme of the book "The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy, is that success does not come with instant heroic actions or brave decisions, but it comes with the small choices which we take in daily basis consistently over a long period of time. 

Smart Small Choices and Consistency:

Our choices compound into behavior, behavior compound into habits, habits compound into results. 
Summary of Book The Compound Effect

Those results can be our health, wealth or business, or relationships. The compound effect on these results may be positive or negative, based on our small choices which we take on a daily basis. if we choose and take decisions wisely and maintain our discipline as well as act upon those choices and decisions consistently, we definitely get great results in every aspect of life over a period of time. But wrong choices left us with failures in all aspects of life. We are the only hundred percent responsible one, for our success or failure. We can't blame others because choices were ours and the responsibility of results is also ours.

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MAGIC PENNY and Microwave Mentality:

Summary of Book The Compound Effect

Through the example of Magic Penny, in which writer has illustrated how the value of one penny compounding daily exceeds three million dollars by three times in 31 days. What we can understand from this example is we must have a long term vision approach instead of the short term instant approach of seeing things. Many times we want results instantly and if we don't get results over a short period of time, we start getting frustrated, panic, and want to quit sometimes. But the writer says, most of the energy is consumed in the initial phase of any journey. 

Rocket Launching and Big MO:

Every journey is similar to launching the rocket. The power and energy which is required in the initial phase to overcome the gravitational pull are more than the energy required in the rest of the whole journey. 
Summary of Book The Compound Effect

In our case, those gravitational pulls might be impatience, bad habits, wrong perspective, etc. So we have to be patient, develop good habits consistently no matter how uncomfortable, frustrating or unexciting it could be. But we have to put our great efforts, focus, and patience in the initial phase of our journey. Our these disciplines and actions eventually develop a rhythm which creates a greate momentum in the journey. 
Summary of Book The Compound Effect

The WHY Power:

But this momentum can die with time if we are not consistent, so we should keep on going and going. The writer also mentions that our why power is the best factor which makes us keep going in the long run. The habits and behavior which don't align with our core values and WHY should be changed now so that we convert ourselves into a successful version of us in the coming future. We should ake the right choices in the present so that we would not have to regret in the future.

If we want to make this powerful law of compounding work for us, we should start taking those tiny wise steps, make small smart choices, change our wrong habits from today. 

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